秋 ~ a persimmon tale (part two)

Mishil sits in a stone chair in a marbled room, unfettered.  Qiu sits across a marbled table, hard stone as the chairs.

Mishil - "No restraints ?  Nothing ?"

Qiu - "Not required.  Where is the demon ?"

Mishil - Stares a moment.  "I'll answer anything you want, the truth on my word, such as it is, if I can call you 'Qiu'."

Qiu - "Why."

Mishil - "Because."

A stare ...

Qiu - "So be it.  I am Qiu and you are Mishil ... ?"

Mishil - "No other name in current document."

Qiu - "Ah.  An immortal.  Of course.  I am not immortal.  Would you like some tea ?  On my honor, as hunter of this system, it is just good tea."

Mishil - "Thank you Qiu.  I would like that very much.  I've missed you."

Qiu - Stares ... "Tea please.  Two."  Leaned in, "They will be a moment."

Mishil - "May I ask you something ?"

Qiu - "Of course not."

Two guards enter, a third bearing cups and pot.

Qiu - Pours two and slides one.  "Where is the demon ?"

A shop keep closing, counting monies ...

Nocturne - Pops up behind him, covered in his jewels, "Hi !  Do you know where Apollo is ?"

Mishil - "I honestly don't know.  By this time ... anywhere."

Nix - Unseen by the startled shop keep, pushing her finger through his forehead, "Ask him where he keeps the candy."

Qiu - "And the ships ?"

Mishil - "You ... don't know ... ?  Fuck.  Then I don't either."

Laughing maniacally over a UFO.

Qiu - "I see.  So the bombs your crew laid ..."

Mishil - "I laid them."

Qiu - "You're a liar."

Mishil - "I am many things, Qiu."

Qiu - "I'm sure you are."

Mishil - "I'm also your friend."

Qiu - "An uncreative game.  So spin it.  I'll hear your tale and already know you a liar."

Mishil - "If you never ask about my crew again, on my honor as hunter of gods and demons alike, wherever I may find them wrong, that this tale is true."

Qiu - Stares ... "Agreed.  They are free to go.  And you, immortal, will serve their due, end to end.  Now tell us your tale.  Our historians are listening."

Mishil - "First, I know you know now that they were only smoke ..."

Qiu - "Assuming you mixed properly."

Mishil - "... to clear room for the battle, in case he was here."

Qiu - "Who."

Mishil - "Apollo."

Across the Gobi Desert, a medieval caravan.

Mishil - Voiced over, "But strangely enough, the one you seek ... her story came to you with one Marco Polo."

Qiu - Laughs sarcastically, "The famous liar.  Appropriate.  Continue."

Mishil - "True enough.  But his father knew another liar named Abognazar."

('You're Gonna Get Yours' by Public Enemy)

The storm over on Uranus ( ... )

The road covers part, the UFO underneath, sides up like wings, the size and shape of a car.  Each wheel turning separately, it hops on it's hydraulics, flapping its sides trying to fly, settling back into the busy traffic with an occasional confused spin.

Hector and Sally lower their flight behind as it approaches the security station side of the main spire approach.

(no music)

Mishil - "And second, that I am so very proud of you.  right now."  She smiles, a tear.

Qiu cocks her head.

Abognazar - "Transcribed from Merlin's original transcription.  These will pass your way, Niccolo, the interest in foreign magics is great."

Niccolo - Flipping a panel bound book, "From Solomon ?"

Abognazar - "From their shared source."

A policeman sits on the edge of a desk playing Game-Brick while the other does paperwork in the chair, the sound of the guitar ... "Do you hear that ?"

(music continues)

The UFO crashes through the wall, it's view through the bubble as stick figure drawing on police shooting and running, round heads, arms flailing, vector graphics.

Marco sorts through the storage, then reads the brief parchment.  Crossing the desert from the sand-like color of the page.

Penned and voiced over by Niccolo.

"Abognazar the Bastard.  The Liar.  Sorcerer and Juggler.  None will see these books.  Through Gobi and wood and mountain freeze, they are cursed with misfortune.  They all say so.  They all see.

"Our wares were stolen.  Not even the bandits would touch them.  They killed three of our men as punishment for bearing them."

"We return by sail."

(music continues)

The UFO driving the halls wobbling, arms up over the hood, holding the crew while they shoot the path.

Polo opens a crate to find the waterlogged copies.

Smile over one opening it.


Qiu - "We had wondered if the Jesuit Kircher ... or perhaps even the Nords making their way seeking swords ... who first brought your evil to our lands.  But we never suspected Polo's brat even crossed our border, beyond his tales in prison.  Told to yet another liar.  Just before he died."

Mishil - "Yeah ... so third.  I know you lied about letting my crew go.  So what does that make us all."

Qiu - Smiles.  "Hm."

(the music blares)

The door crashes open.  An oversized robot hand reaches in, hesitates while they prepares after shock, grabs Qiu and pulls her out of the room.

Tires squeal, the music continues and fades to the distance.  Silence.  Moaning police cursing in the smoke.

Mishil - ... "What the hell ?"

They chase back the way they came, the police barely recovering.  Diving away in the graphics view from the cab, Qui pulling at the controls unsuccessfully.  A crewman leans over and notices who she is, then looks back.

Mishil dropping the last who raise guns, (some drop and raise hands, left) then running behind the UFO party.

They depart the created hole in the wall to the waiting ships (the shuttle geared vertically with deployed supports from the central booster, walkway to cab) at the outside pads, Mishil running behind, Qiu in the UFO banging the glass as it hops to Hector's back (electromagnetic Pop !)

Nocturne and Nix run out behind, Nocturne carrying a bag with a dollar sign (for no reason at all), up the ramp, all board and blast off.

~ ! The End ! ~
~ after credit ~

In the dark from the credits, the sound of ocean.

Qiu - "It's okay Nix.  We've made it.  We're free."

Qiu and Nix (historical) on the island beach near the wood's edge.

Qiu - "You need to go now.  To live.  To be.  And so do I."

Nix draws back, shoots to a tree, looks back whispering names.

Qiu - "Thank you, Nix.  I'll find you again.  I promise it."

Nix darts to treetop, "Qiu."

Gone into the woods.