柿 Tales - chapter four (part two)

Daphne opens the door to the ice cream shop, then looks out across the crowd of ninjas.  She raises a brow and draws back to close the door ...

They each hold up money sacks and handfuls of jewels.

Daphne - "Cassie ..."

She hold out her open palms.  A ninja drops a bag of gold in, she tosses it behind, caught by Cassandra.

Daphne - "Buy out everyone please."

Cassandra rolls her eyes and grumbles off out the back.

Daphne leans in to speak from the step, they all lean in.

Daphne - "I invented this shit.  All these other motherfuckers ?"  She spits.

They spit.

Daphne - "They don't even know a thing."  She leans back and turns smiling, "Right this way."

They file in behind.

Musashi walks, Akari and Mariko crouched in the bushes ahead.  They watch as the Samurai Shogunate clear the path.  Among them workers build a forge, near where can be seen the meteor's impact.

He watches from the distance.  Shrugs.

Two soldiers walk the path where he was.  He watches the workers build from the bushes, nearer, oar being chipped off form the pulled meteorite.

Musashi - To Mariko and Akari as he pulls an apple from his robe, "Would have taken me days to do all that."

They nod smiling and run off to the woods playing.

He takes a bite.

('Daughter of Chaos' by Pain Teens)

The woman walks out into the marketplace, growing over all around as the dervishes swarm in to attack, her skin made grey, then absorbed as she grows over green stretching out.

~ The ninjas walk in file back to the docks solemnly eating their ice cream, their clothing adjusted to the day and place, gear mixed.

The dervishes walk in from the sea roaring, the Earth cracking behind.  The sea's water flows between, roots growing deep within as she spreads out.

~ A dock patrol with three boats await them, they continue.

The fading sea shows a field filled with them, cracking all away in their wake as they make the docks, structures falling.

~ They walk through them, quickly without notice as they eat.  Fast swipes, a star, a dart.  In near prayer with the meal, they march through and overtake three decks.

From within the village, the inhabitants exit their homes as they grow over.  They carry their long weapon bags among other with filled sacks, messengers darting between the buildings in the bush behind.

~ They stare from the decks departing shore, French crew flinging into the air overboard behind.

Chiyome - Smiles, "Goodbye France."  She puts up her mask.

The rest nod and turn to task.

Shumi and the stranger stand on the aft deck looking out as the three ships approach, surrounded by their meandering fleet.

Shumi - Nearly annoyed but more bored, "You surprised ?"

Stranger - A sigh.  "Not really, no."

A woman at the fore of the Xinhua ship smells the wind, testing it, a gust from south, southwest ... she draws back her head and raises a brow.

Reporting to the priestess' ear, the priestess looks at her.

"Ice cream ?"

The magistrate closes the book and leans back.  He places it to the side table with one hand and rests his other on the pommel of the upright blade.

Magistrate - "Are you ready ?"

The dervish roars while in the soldier's camp Musashi strikes steel with a hammer, surrounded by armored bodies slung across their living duties.

A young man falls naked from the dervish's chest to the ground, looking around terrified, breathing hard, dripping with dark ooze.

Magistrate - "Run child."

He looks at him in fear.

Magistrate - Looks back angrily. "Run."

He runs foot wet slapping out the door while another face grows painfully in the dervish's chest.

~ Musashi's hammer strikes steel.

The dervish tears from his chair and they rise to meet, the blade pulled from floor as the rose vines reach after, growing into the handle and hilt for a swing.  The dervish forms a blade extended with his arm as a man's, overtaken by his own form after, blade crackling.

~ Musashi's hammer.

! The End !

after credit ~

A pile of 200 bowls and spoons on the beach.  Destruction all around.

The naked are covered in blankets by the guards, confused with babbling tales.  An investigator picks up a note from the surrounded dish pile.

"有り難う"  (thank you)